Air Conditioning Facts
What you need to know…
Your Air Conditioning System is a sealed system requiring specialist maintenance.
The system is pressurised using a cooling gas just like a fridge
Unlike a fridge up to 15% of cooling gas could be lost naturally
every year due to engine vibration and the constant expansion
and contraction of pipe joints
Manufacturers recommend routine servicing
This is quite usual at 2 year intervals or 30.000 miles
Changing the desiccant pack is good practice at the same time

deliver Purified Air
How long would you last?!
The Vehicle Air Conditioning Cycle
To produce Conditioned Air, refrigerant has to cycle in the following sequence:
Starting at the Compressor, it is pressurised and heated, then travelling as a vapour to the Condenser, forward to a Receiver Drier where moisture and debris is removed.
The refrigerant travels towards the back of the engine where a valve drops the pressure and temperature of the system, thus allowing cool refrigerant into the Evaporator, situated right behind the Heater. The cold Evaporator draws heat from the cabin, cools it (evaporates) and distributes cold air through vents in the vehicle cabin. The surplus moisture is collected on a tray and let out through a drain tube below the vehicle. It is quite healthy for a pool of water to form on the ground when the vehicle is stopped.
Returning by suction to the Compressor to begin again.

System illustrated is for vehicles only
Regular servicing of the air conditioning system ensures that all the levels are as they should be.
Consider this…… the system deteriorates by 10-15% per year, after 3 years the oils and refrigerant may have depleted by up to 50%. The heart is pumping twice as hard to keep up!